- Left Turn - Must check blindspot before moving left.
- Pulling over to stop - Must check blindspot before moving left.
- 3 Point Turn - Use the space around you and stay on the road
- Avoid Keep Clear Zone - Traffic Lights / Ped X and Railway Crossing
- Check center mirror before braking / slowing down.
- Steering - Make big turns when needed - Narrow roads.
- Parallel Parking - Recheck the right side and use the space behind you.
- Left Turns - Angle the car with the road (Too Wide)
- Notice Speed Signs - Country Roads 60-80km
- More Searching Required - Move your chin - lookout and ahead +100meters
Points to Remember: Points To Remember:
Key Points:
Points To Remember:
Points To Remember:
Points to Remember:
Lesson Notes:
Immediate Fail:
Critical Errors:
Needs Improvements:
Points to Remember:
Immediate Fail:
Critical Errors:
Needs Improvements:
Immediate Fail:
Critical Errors:
Needs Improvements:
Immediate Fail:
Critical Errors:
Needs Improvements:
Driving Test Tips and AdviceLearning from the mistakes of others is a valuable approach to improve one's driving skills and avoid potential pitfalls. Archives
January 2025