- Stop Sign - Must stop and pause before moving.
Critical Errors:
- U-Turn - Must indicate right and check blindspots.
- 3 Point Turn - Must indicate right and check blindspots.
- Lane Changing - Must keep indicating till all 4 wheels are in the other lane.
- Roundabout - Must indicate left when exiting roundabout.
Needs Improvements:
- More Searching.
- Keep Left on sharp/blind corners.
- Left Turn - Angel the car, with the road, Check left blindspot.
- Wide Road - Keep left.
- Carpark - Keep on your side of the road.
- Entering Turning Bays - Must check blindspot before entering.
- Right Turn - Keep on your side of the road.
- Parallel Parking - Go slow and recheck blindspot.
- Merging - If not sure always indicate to merge