- Distance Covered : 16.98 km
- Duration: 41 minutes
- Max Speed: 99km/h
- Average Speed: 28km/h
- Road Conditions: Night / Wet Roads
- Leaving carpark - make sure the other vehicles are actual turning left before turning right. Make sure they are slowing down before you move on the road.
- Dual lanes - Larger vehicles, turning left or right will generally move in the opposite a little bit while staying in there lane to turn. As you approach staying in you lane, but move a little bit away from them.
- Dual lanes - Position yourself so no is next to you.
- Wet Roads / Dark - Maintain a minimum of 4 seconds following distance.
- Lane Changing 50km Zone - Check before changing lanes, don't look while you are changing lanes it is too late, once you are entering the other lane it is too late. Don't brake for no reason (IF)
- Dual lane right turn - Stay in your lane all the way through the turn. (IF)
- Motorway onramp too slow to speed up. As you pass the speed sign / motorway begins sign speed up.
- High Speed Zone - Lane changing - Nothing Sudden. (IF)
- Going past onramps - searching / check for other vehicles entering the motorway.
- Entering Turning / Right Turn - Shoulder Check
- Speed control - 10km over speed limit / failed to notice speed sign (IF)
- Parallel Parking - Indicate before stoping (CE)
- 3 Point Turn - Indicate and Check (CE)
- Hard braking at speed bumps and curved roads.
- Roundabout Positioning and indicating out (IF)
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