- Release Hand brake before moving out of car park
- Aux Controls - windows started to fog up
- Green Light - check before moving (Ped X, cyclist and cars)
- Poor Positioning - too close to Bus and late reaction time, don't rush to be next the bus, just stay back the road is getting narrow.
- Lane change - slow reaction time, searching ahead. Bus
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- Narrow Roads - Keep left
- Straight Roads - Check your center mirror every 10-15seconds and check side streets
- Right Turn - Cut Corner - Rear right wheel hit center line cats eye /reflector
- Right Turn - Turning Bay - Shoulder Check when entering
- Curved Road to the right with side street on left, Check for traffic
- Keep left - too close to middle of road
- Islands in the middle of the road - adjust you positions and speed control as you move around them
- Left Turn - Hit Curb - rear left wheel (sharp corner)
- Parked Cars - Shoulder Check for Cyclist, when moving back to the left.
- Left Turn in to a 2lane road, failed to notice safe lane, moving when it was unsafe
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- Greenlight - Driving straight on duallanes (Left lane turning left), check the left lane incase they are driving straight.
- Right Turn - Turning Bay Check your blind spot and Indicate before moving in.
- Roundabout - failed to follow instructions and when left