More Searching Required:
Check left blind spot before moving left to turn left (cycle and bus lanes).
Check your center mirror before braking (cars behind you).
Check your blind spot before merging or changing lanes (cars next to you)
All intersections, check both sides and behind before moving through.
Check both sides and indicate left to exit.
Foot Position:
Keep your heel on the ground and push with your toes.
Parallel Parking:
Indicate left before stopping and recheck the right blindspot.
Dual Lanes:
When turning stay in your lane and over avoid having vehicles in your blindspot.
Lane Changing:
Indicate and keep indicating till all 4 wheels are in the other lane.
Narrow Roads:
Avoid bottlenecks and indicate to pass parked cars.
Find the center of the road before turning.
You must look back, behind the vehicle. Not just the mirrors or camera.
Curved Roads:
You must keep left. Blind corners you can't see oncoming vehicles and they can't see you.
Stop Signs:
You must fully stop before moving. All 4 wheels must stop moving. Pause, check both sides and then move.