Some of my students asked, "Why do we need to check both sides before moving? Its a green light!"
It is the OTHER DRIVERS FAULT for running a red light and hitting you, but if you checked and noticed that the other vehicle was not slowing down, you could pause for less than 3 seconds and avoided the accident.
Be a few seconds late to wherever you were going or spend half the day, call the police filing a report and getting a incident number, calling the insurance company and giving them the police incident number and spending over 30 minutes on the phone recreating the incident.
Taking time off work going to the panel beaters, having them take photos of the vehicle for the insurance company. Might take 1-2 days for the insurance company to get back and approve it.
You will still have to pay the excess ($700+) to the panel beaters and then the insurance company will chase the other driver for the damages. Once the other driver paid the insurance company, they will refund you the excess.
If the other driver decides not to paid or their insurance company disputes the claim, you will spend another 1-2hrs in a small disputes courts.
The video will make it much easier to prove you are right, but the time wasted is a waste of TIME.
The video clip is 8 seconds long. A few more seconds searching wont hurt anyone.