- Searching and scanning ahead, move your chin and look outward.
- Always check your blindspot / shoulder check if your vehicle move 50cm left or right.
- Check your center mirror before braking or slowing down.
- Moving on / off the road check your blindspot.
- You must check your blindspot before entering a turning bay.
- Green light / All intersections - check both sides.
- Parallel Parking - Recheck the right side and take your time.
- 3 Point Turn - Indicate right and check your blindspot.
- U-Turn - Keep left and indicate right.
- Steering - Make big turns and move your hands, when needed.
- Left Turn - Angle the car with the road and keep left.
- Roundabout - Angle the car with the road
- Flush Median - Be more comfortable using them when needed.
- Stop Sign - You must stop - pause and then move.
- Gap Selection - Be ready before and check both sides while waiting to turn.