You don't need to wear shoes if you don't want to.
Right Turns - You can move your hands to make big turns.
Dual Lanes - Avoid having vehicles in your blindspot
Left Turn - Angle the car with the road
Mirror Usage - Check center before braking and everything time you slow down.
Rail Way Crossing - Make sure the lights have stopped flashing before moving over the tracks and make sure there is enough room on the other side.
Stop Sign - You must fully stop before moving. Stop, Pause and then move.
Following Distance - Double the following distance when following trucks.
Keep Left on wide roads
Steering - Move your hands when needed, Don't twist them.
Parallel Parking - Use the space behind you, check and recheck the right side.
If someone is following too closely, move to the left and let them pass.
3 Point Turn - Check both sides and don't drive into a driveway. Indicate right and then right again on the 3rd turn.
Stopping Distance - Stay back, be able to see the ground when waiting in a queue.
Motorway onramp - use all of it and merge on.
Scanning - check all side streets before passing them, know what is behind you before and after every intersection.
Speed bumps - Check your center mirror before braking.
Flush Median - You must use it when needed.
Narrow Roads when Sharp Corners - Keep left and drive to the road conditions. When passing parked cars indicate and check your blindspot.
Don't indicate too early