Alway indicate for 3 seconds before turning, merging, changing lanes, parking, parallel parking, doing a 3 point turn or u turn.
Scanning - Ahead
Look 100+ meters ahead and identify all hazards.
Mirrors - Behind
Know what is behind you before slowing down. Anything you do before you do it, know what is behind you.
Blindspot Checks - Next
Avoid having vehicles in your blindspot, Always know what is next to you.
Drive to the road condition and don't exceed the posted speed signs.
Don't brake hard, cover your brake and roll around corners. Always aim to stop before and roll up.
Keep on your side of the road and in your lane.
Gap Selection
When waiting to turn, decide before the last vehicle passes if it's going to be safe. Check and recheck but be ready before.
You can move your hands around and make big turns when needed. While moving keep both hands on the wheel.