- Stop Sign - Stop, pause, check both sides and then move.
- Speed Control - Don't rush and stay under the speed limit. (Downhill while changing lanes).
- Right Turns - Find the center before turning, don't rush and don't cut the corners to turn. Dual lanes stay in your lane.
- Dual lane Roundabout - Must give way to cars on your right. Angle the car to the left and look for cover vehicles on your left. Indicate left to exit. Stay in your lane.
Critical Errors:
- Left Turns - Angle the car before turning and stay in your lane. Must see 100meters on each side.
- Parallel Parking - Check and recheck your right blindspot. Indicate left before stopping and use the space behind you.
- Parking Curb-side - You must indicate and check your blindspot before braking. Vehicle must be under 30cm from the curb.
- U- Turn - You must indicate right and check your right blindspot. Keep reasonable to the left.
- High Speed Zone - Notice different speed signs, speed too slow.
Needs Improvement:
- Merging / Lane Changing / Turning Bays - Must indicate when needed and always check blindspots. Don't move suddenly. Indicate till all 4 wheels are in the other lane.
- Vehicle Position - Keep left reasonable, more left then right.
- Hand Position - Move your hands and make big turns when needed. Don't drop your hands when slowing down.
- Sharp Corners / Curved Roads / Blind Corners - Keep left and roll around. Cover your brake but don't brake hard. Find the center and keep on your side.
- Right Turns - Find the center before turning, don't rush and don't cut the corners to turn.
- Left Turns - Angle the car before turning and stay in your lane. Must see 100meters on each side.
- Center Mirror Usage - Check the center mirror every 10-15 seconds on a straight road. Check the mirror before braking.
- Narrow Roads - Look ahead, avoid bottlenecks, keep reasonable to the left and indicate to pass parked cars.
- Blindspot Checks - You must check your left blindspot when moving to the left and right blindspot when moving to the right.