- Rear left brake light was not working.
- Keep both hands on the wheel while moving.
- When turning left, you must check your left blindspot before moving left.
- Must indicate and blindspot before merging.
- Must indicate and blindspot before moving into the turning bay.
- Parallel Parking - Use the space behind you, Indicate left before stopping and recheck the right side before pulling out.
- Must fully stop before moving out at Stop Signs.
- Orange Light - Aim to stop
- Green Light - Check both sides before moving through.
- Lane Changing - Must keep indicating till all 4 wheels are in the other lane.
- U Turn - Must keep left and check right blindspot.
- Follow the giveway rule and not what the road users signal you to do.
- Drive to the road conditions, beware of blind corners (visibility under 100meters) and narrow roads.
Lesson Notes:
Driving Test Tips and AdviceLearning from the mistakes of others is a valuable approach to improve one's driving skills and avoid potential pitfalls. Archives
January 2025