- Stop Sign - Stop, pause, check both sides and then move.
Critical Errors:
- Parking Curb-Side - You must indicate and check your blindspot before braking. Must be under 30cm from the curb.
- Gap Selection - Must move if safe.
- Left Turns - Keep left and stay in your lane. Angle the car with the road.
Needs Improvement:
- Merging - Must indicate when needed and always check blindspot. Don't move suddenly.
- Dual Lane Turns - You must stay in your lane while turning. Don't have vehicles in your blindspot.
- Vehicle Position - Keep left reasonable, more left then right.
- Left Turn - Angel the car and check the cycle lane before turning, the left blindspot. Stay in your lane.
- Speed Control - Drive to the speed limit and adjust your speed according to the road conditions.
- Turning - Avoid cutting corners, stay on your side of the road and be slow before turning.
- Vehicle Position - When waiting in a queue, stay back especially when uphill. Don't queue across the intersection.
- Mirror Usage - Check center mirror before braking or slowing down.
- Right Turns - Find the center before turning, don't cut the corner or go too wide.
- Giveway Signs - Don't stop for no reason. Be slow enough to give way but if safe keep moving.
- Flush Medians - You must use them. Merge into them, nothing sudden.
- Curved Roads / Blind Corners - Keep left and roll around. Cover your brake but don't brake hard.
- Hazard ID - Keep your hands on the wheel while talking about the hazards.
- Cover Vehicles - Make sure it's safe, look ahead and use the cover vehicles to your advantage.
- Rubbish Trucks - You must see 100meters ahead before overtaking.
- Hand Position - Don't drop your hands when slowing down.