- Too Fast To Be Able To Giveway at Giveway Signs - Know who has the right of way before getting to the intersection and be able to see at least 100 meters on each side. Always aim to slow down (20km) before turning, If safe keep moving.
Critical Errors:
- Merging - Indicate and check your blindspot before moving.
- Check Center Mirror - Every 10-15 seconds (Anything you do know what is behind you before)
- Parallel Parking - Check and Recheck the right side.
Key Points To Remember:
- Don't Rush - Drive to the road conditions. (Too Fast +5km)
- Entering carpark - Go slow (Too close to one side)
- Lane Changing - Know its safe before indicating (Look before). Always know what is behind and next do you.
- Wet Roads - Double your stopping and following distance - Don't Rush.
- Steering - Turn the wheel back. Don't just let go.
- Keep Left on Left Turns - Too wide
- Blind Corners - Don't Rush - Driving to road conditions.
- Flush Median - Merge out, Nothing Sudden.
- Down Hill - Too Fast - Watch your speed.
- Right Turn - Too wide - Don't rush to turn, stay on your side and don't cut the corner. Stay behind the while line.
- When braking / slowing down - check center mirror.
- Stay back / Look ahead and avoid bottlenecks.