- Gap Selection - You must make sure its safe before moving out. Check both sides must see at-least 100meters on each side.
- Right Turns - Find the center before turning, don't rush and don't cut the corners to turn.
Critical Errors:
- Merging and Lane Changing - Must indicate when needed and always check blindspot.
- Turning Bays and Flush Medians - You must use them and not interfere with traffic flow. Merge in and out when needed, and if safe just move through them.
- Parallel Parking - Indicate left before stopping. Check and recheck the right side before moving out.
Needs Improvement:
- Rubbish / Potholes - Move around them, nothing sudden.
- Following Distance - Double your following distance when behind trucks and buses.
- Flush Medians - You must use them. Merge into them, nothing sudden.
- 3 Point Turn & U- Turn - You must indicate right and check your right blindspot.
- Roundabout - Must give way to cars on your right. Angle the car to the left and look for cover vehicles on your left.
- Center Mirror Usage - Check the center mirror every 10-15 seconds on a straight road. Check the mirror before braking. Lift your chin up.