Speed control stay within the speed limit (+/- 5km) and all posted temporary roadworks speed limit
Blindspot Checks - always know what is next to you.
Moving on/off the road from curb - Left shoulder check when pulling over to stop and right shoulder check when moving back into traffic.
Narrow Roads - Indicate and check before passing parked cars. Beware of oncoming vehicles, look ahead and avoid bottlenecks.
Check center mirror before braking / slowing down.
Parallel Parking - check and recheck right blindspot for vehicles coming up behind you.
Roundabouts - angle the car with the curved road
Left turns on narrow roads - keep left
Cross Roads - Check both sides even if you have the right of way. (Green Light)
Stop Sign - Stop / Pause before moving
Vehicle Position - Keep left and you can drive over empty bus stops.
3 Point Turn - On 3rd turn - Indicate right and recheck both sides before moving out
Left Turn - Check for Cyclist - left blindspot check
Steering - move your hands and make big turns when needed
Right Turns - When entering turning bays, you must check your blindspot.
Roundabout - Indicate left to exit always
Flush Median - you must use it, if busy. If clear just move through it
Moving into traffic - merge in, nothing sudden
Don’t change lanes through intersection
U turns - Keep left and indicate right.