Hand Position:
- Keep both hands on the wheel and don't drop them when slowing down.
More Searching Required:
- Check the left blind spot before moving left to turn left (cycle and bus lanes).
- Check your center mirror before braking (cars behind you).
- Check your blind spot before merging or changing lanes (cars next to you)
- All intersections, check both sides and behind before moving through.
Right Turn Narrow Roads:
- Find the center before turning, keep on your side and don't cut the corner.
Parallel Parking:
- Indicate left before stopping and recheck the right side before moving.
Narrow Roads:
- Avoid bottlenecks and indicate to pass parked cars.
U Turns:
- Indicate right and recheck your right blindspot for cars coming out of driveways.
Pulling over to stop next to curb:
- You must indicate left and check your left blindspot.
Railway and Pedestrian Crossing:
- Check both sides before crossing and make sure there is enough room on the other side. Cover your brake and roll over.
Vehicle Position:
- Overall keep reasonably to the left.
- Check both sides and indicate left to exit.
- Indicate right and check your right blindspot before passing a slow moving vehicle, Indicate left and check your left blindspot before moving back into your lane.