- Other Dangerous Action - Moving right / Lane Change - Don't indicate and slow down (Vehicle behind beeped horn)
Critical Erors:
- Failing To Look
- Failing To Signal
Point To Remember:
- Don't Rush
- Check both sides at Ped X
- Check Center Mirror - Every 10-15 seconds / Anything you do know what is behind you.
- Avoid Bottlenecks - Look ahead and slow down before.
- Keep a safe stopping distance when waiting at traffic lights.
- Narrow Roads - Indicate to pass parked cars.
- Parallel Parking - Use the space behind you and recheck the right side.
- Moving out from a parked space - Keep left.
- You must see at least 100meters on each side before turning.
- U Turn - Indicate right and check your right blindspot.
- Steering / Hand Position - Make big turns when needed and turn the wheel back. Don't let go with both hands.
- Yellow Stop Lines - Stop before them and then roll over slowly if you can't see.
- Parking on road side - Check left blindspot before moving left..
- While waiting to turn check both sides.
- Dual lane Roundabout - Know what is in the other lane before entering the roundabout.
- Narrow Roads - Drive to the road conditions (Be slow)
- Flush Median - Merge out / Nothing sudden.
- Entering Turning Bays - Check blindspot before entering.
- Left Turns - Angle the car
- Right Turns - Find the center before turning and nothing sudden.
- Lane Changing - Nothing Sudden - Merge into the other lane.
- Dual Lane Roads - Always know what is behind and next to you.
- Searching / Looking outward - Move you chin, turn you head.
- Green Light - Check both sides / All intersections.
- 3 Point Turn - Stay on the road and indicate right on the 3rd turn.
- Gap Selection - Don't Rush to turn.
- Backing - Check the right side before moving (both sides)